An introduction

“I’ve reached an intermediate stage in Spanish, and things are challenging.” I’m making way too little progress compared to when I first began studying Spanish, and my worksheets are boring. “How can I recapture the joy of learning Spanish?”

Does this describe you?

Fortunately, there is a simple solution for reintroducing variety and joy into your learning: merge Spanish with topic areas that are already of interest to you.

What is interest-based language learning?

The act of doing everyday activities and pastimes in a target language is known as interest-based language learning (which, in this case, would be Spanish). This method emphasizes moving away from textbooks and structured practice and toward practical language implementation.

How does interest-based language learning help you enhance your Spanish?

There are numerous advantages to interest-based language learning:

  • First, we are gradually transitioning out of organized language practice and then into practical application with the assistance of an already-founded hobby. By incorporating Spanish with a task, we now enjoy, we begin to experience Spanish in ways we have never experienced before.
  • It’s similar to a child’s mastery of Spanish in that our interest fuels our learning, which improves our memory and aids our progress toward fluency. A stunningly natural language learning cycle.
  • Second, shifting your focus to interest-based learning will immediately increase your enthusiasm for Spanish learning. This is because our motivations shift when we study vocabulary to succeed with something in a real-life situation rather than studying it for the sake of knowing it.

Finally, interest-based language learning relieves stress. You can learn Spanish at your own pace and accomplish your goals. But, of course, you could also do the opposite and have no real goals other than to enjoy being immersed in the language.

Moving out of a classroom setting and getting into an interest-based learning is much more fun, an informal environment also helps reduce anxiety about making mistakes.

Where should you begin for interest-based Spanish learning?

As adult language learners, you are in a group of people who are constantly hungry for knowledge and curious about the world around you. This is a positive thing because it indicates you have many interests besides learning Spanish.

Perhaps it’s food, travel, or politics. Perhaps it understands local customs, practices, and history. It could be social justice, self-improvement, or fashion. Write them all down on paper. Consider your daily activities as well. Perhaps you spend your days watching Netflix series, reading the news online, or working from a laptop. Take note of those as well.

How can you boost Spanish studying with interest-based learning?

Take all your interests, hobbies, and daily activities and start thinking about how to do them in Spanish. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Enjoy Spanish-language podcasts that cover a variety of niche interests.

Considering the podcasting boom of the past decade, it’s now possible to find a podcast covering just about every subject and in most major languages. Everything from the latest scientific findings to political commentary, mindfulness practices, climate change, and tips on improving your relationships or raising healthy children. You’ll have to investigate, but there’s almost certainly a Spanish-language podcast covering precisely what piques your interest.

  1. Take singing, dancing, yoga, or cooking classes in Spanish.

Classes in which you are interested in participating might be a great way to learn Spanish and immerse yourself in the culture. Group settings where such lessons are typically delivered also relieve some of the burdens of individual comprehension. Also, if you are still looking for classes like this in your area, keep going because you can always attend them online.

  1. Switch to the Spanish language on your phone.

How often do you check your mobile phone every day? To what extent do you use your laptop while at home? If you switch the language to Spanish, you’ll be exposed to it regularly, which is excellent practice for learning it.

  1. Listen to some Spanish tunes.

As a lifelong music enthusiast, it should be no surprise that I fell in love with Spanish by listening to salsa music long before you could speak it. But re-listening to your favorite songs inspired you to translate the lyrics, which was a novel method to learn new grammatical principles and words.

Tip: To better understand the local jargon and rapid-fire delivery, it is recommended that you watch movies and TV shows with the Spanish subtitles turned on.

In a nutshell

The internet has increased the availability of high-quality content in target languages greater than ever before. As a result, we may familiarize ourselves with local customs and speech patterns long before we set foot in the land. What a fantastic idea!

Hopefully, this blog can inspire you to use the available resources and begin an interest-based approach to learn Spanish. Good luck!

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