The priority of Iztacalco’s city district is to offer social tourism and allow residents and visitors to meet and enjoy their natural diversity, culture, gastronomy, recreation and relaxation.

Art, history and traditions. Inhabited since pre-Hispanic times, Iztacalco has created its own history, which is a reflection of the urban population, which was originally from an island and expanded with the cultivation from chinampas. The old distribution network of canala divides the current neighborhoods. Monumental highlights are the San Matias Convent and the Santa Cruz Chapel.

Music, legends, traditions and customs. Iztacalco preserves the wealth of its traditions such as the Procesión del Corpus, Santo Jubileo, the feast of the Santos Reyes, the feast of San Sebastián, the feast of San Miguel Arcángel, the feast of San Francisco de Asís and the traditional pilgrimage to Guadalupe and the Señor de Chalma. All these traditions take us to another time and place. All celebrations are accompanied by a band, dances, fireworks, fairs and Mexican dishes, plus colorful processions and carnivals.

In contrast, the Foro Sol hosts the most massive concerts and brings together the greatest contemporary artists of the world before their thousands of fans. The Hermanos Rodriquez Race Track is also home to major events including Formula 1 as from 2015.


1. Walk through the heart of Iztacalco visiting its most important baroque churches: San Matías Apostol Convent and Santa Cruz Chapel.

2. Attend the colorful Corpus Christi procession in June, the most traditional event in Iztacalco.

3. Engage in the Holy Jubilee during August to admire the elaborate decoration of the temples and participate in the festive atmosphere.

4. Attend a huge concert at Foro Sol. The energy of thousands of spectators singing together is impressive.

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